Saturday, January 10, 2009

space planning

Despite my failing efforts to sleep today, I've decided to forge onwards.

The other day I was checking out contemporist and I found this awesome post on innovative bunk beds by GAB. The use of space is what has captured my attention, as all too often when children are sharing a room and sometimes one child is much older than the other. These designs seek to solve some spacial issues as well as others that may arise with a sizable age gap. Additionally, when design thinks outside the standard, you end up with a visually appealing option that may not have been considered before.

Here, you will find a larger bed with a single. This scenario works for the gender gap. I like the addition of a set of stairs, instead of the typical bunk ladder, which is not very safe or functional. These stairs can bee seen in a few of the companies designs.. they were smart to use them as an additional space for storage.

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