Saturday, January 5, 2008

music makes life ok

I hate to say something like that, because I know it isn't always the case, but when I walk out my door with my ipod on, my walk to the subway is pretty good... and at the end of a long night, when I'm exhausted and I just want to get home.. I find myself waiting on the platform for 20 minutes watching people, listening to a favorite song.. and I get lost in that. Experiencing moments in life to a "soundtrack" can make the most arbitrary things seem a little more meaningful :)

p.s. Be warned, listening to depressing music may have the opposite effect


Anonymous said...

I would like to take your topic sentence one step further and say "Music makes life worth living". To me, music is the best thing we have here on this earth ('cept maybe next to love)(maybe!).

Mlle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

wow - good point.

Di Mackey said...

Hey, I've found a fabulous free wifi cafe here in Antwerpen. When you come back, we'll make it our 'office' :) xo

Mlle said...

oh that sounds lovely! I can't wait to see you!!!