Sunday, January 25, 2009

good thing I napped today...

Last night the roomie and I had discussed taking another bike ride today and I was secretly hoping he'd changed his mind, but he hadn't.. so after a big brunch, we headed out. 1.75 hours later we walked back through the front door. Not bad. We missed out on stopping anywhere along the way, since it's Sunday, most of the places were closed.

I don't mind, it's 4:30 and I've already biked over 20 km, on a grandma bike, no less :) Wablieft?!

Time for a beer....


Di Mackey said...

1.75 hours????

It's late, I've had a long couple of day and I'm thinking 'but isn't 1.75 hours 2 hours and 15 minutes?'

You should be gentler with me, you know you have granny readers :-(

Mlle said...

ha ha, no you plonker (she says with a smile), it's 1 hour and 45 minutes!

You're not a granny. Maybe in the literal sense, but that's about it woman!